Child Support

Child Support Lawyer in Lake County

Child Support in Florida is defined as the legal obligation to support one’s own children. Florida child support guidelines determine the amount of child support an obligor will have to pay. Child support is a legal mandate in Florida. This means both parents are expected to take full responsibility for their children and can’t avoid paying support for a child. Child support is usually ordered during divorce proceedings or when one parent petitions the court in the county where they reside for assistance.

Florida Child Support Law

Child Support statutes of Florida are covered under Florida law. Support is ordered by the court requiring either one or both parents to make monthly payments for all minor children until they are eighteen years old. Child support includes a provision for health insurance. The Florida Department of Revenue enforces child support.

How is Child Support Determined

Florida Child Support guidelines determine how much support parents must pay. The guidelines establish a baseline to figure out the amount of support needed. The Florida courts consider this a fair equation. The Florida child support guidelines are used in conjunction with support ordered and every time support is modified.

Other financial considerations included in the guidelines are:

  • Gross Income
  • Health care costs
  • Child’s living standards

The Florida Child Support guidelines include a child support minimum calculation under

(FL. Stat. § 61.30).

Other constituents defined in this statute are:

  • time-sharing responsibilities
  • Parenting plans
  • Taxes

A parent’s failure to follow the Child Supportorder is deemed as a purpose for modification.

Modifying Child Support

Modification of Child Support may become necessary when there is a change in circumstances in one’s life.  There must be an existing order to modify. You must establish a substantial change. For example, having another child is a considerable change in circumstances.

  • A modification can also be determined by one parent's income increasing.
  • Adjustments in parenting time schedules are considered.
  • Changes in parenting time could be attributed to a change in jobs or some other time-sharing responsibility.
  • Ultimately the courts will determine what is in the best interests of your children.

Applying for a modification:

  • Determining factors for modification
  • Supplying evidence including documentation as proof of circumstantial change
  • Consulting with a family law attorney to ensure you’re taking the correct steps
  • Filing the documents including the motion to modify to the courts.
  • You are responsible for serving a copy of the modification form to the other party
  • Complete and return proof of service to the clerk's office in the courthouse

Ensuring Fair and Adequate Child Support

At the Law Offices of Jason G. Smith, our experienced child support lawyers in Lake County are dedicated to helping parents navigate the complex process of determining and modifying child support. We understand that child support is crucial for the well-being and upbringing of your children, and we are committed to ensuring that it is fair and adequate.

Our team of skilled attorneys will work closely with you to:

  • Evaluate your unique circumstances: We will take into account factors such as income, expenses, and custody arrangements to determine an appropriate child support amount.
  • Advocate for your rights: We will fight for your rights and the best interests of your children, ensuring that the child support arrangement is fair and meets their needs.
  • Handle modifications: Life circumstances can change, and child support orders may need to be modified. Our lawyers have the knowledge and experience to assist you in modifying child support when necessary.
  • Provide guidance and support: We understand that child support matters can be emotionally challenging. Our compassionate attorneys will provide you with the guidance and support you need throughout the entire process.
  • When it comes to child support, you need a knowledgeable and dedicated legal team on your side. Contact the Law Offices of Jason G. Smith today for a consultation with our experienced child support lawyers in Lake County FL.

Child Support Lawyer in Lake County FL

Child Support orders can reshape a person’s way of life. Erroneous efforts to change or modify child support can bring dire consequences. Consulting with a knowledgeable attorney will give you the confidence to move forward while taking care of you and your children's well being. The Law Offices of Jason G. Smith can assist with your child support matters and concerns.